Bayard launches b-healthy, an all-in-one product content management solution for the healthcare sector
Cologne, June 2022. Industry solution enables healthcare companies to maintain their product content consistently in a single system and deliver it in high quality to customers, purchasing groups and regulatory authorities worldwide
With b-healthy, Bayard has created a preconfigured solution for product content management in the healthcare sector based on its new platform Byrd. Suppliers and manufacturers of medical technology use b-healthy to provide their customers worldwide as well as government regulatory bodies with product content from a single source: b-healthy delivers quality-checked data to platforms such as the Healthcare Content Data Portal (HCDP), the Global Data Synchronisation Network (GDSN) and to regulatory entities such as GUDID, EUDAMED and LIR. Companies that already rely on the HCDP industry portal can use b-healthy to conveniently publish their product content to additional channels and regulatory entities at the touch of a button.
Healthcare companies can significantly improve data quality with b-healthy, maintaining their product content consistently in the user-friendly solution as a ‚single source of truth‘. Bayard‘s industry solution automatically verifies the product content according to the latest validation rules of the respective healthcare authorities before publishing. This enables companies to comply effortlessly with the applicable requirements of both governmental regulatory bodies and industry platforms. Future country-specific Unique Device Identification (UDI) rules are also made available to companies at an early stage via b-healthy.
Bayard has been technology partner to the HCDP industry initiative of purchasing groups Prospitalia, P.E.G., Sana Einkauf & Logistik, EKKplus and EK-UNICO since the very beginning. In this role, Bayard has significantly driven the digital transformation of the industry and facilitated the establishment of data standardisation in the healthcare sector. b-healthy runs on the same technological basis as the industry portal HCDP.
For any questions or interview requests please reach out to Caroline Julia Arens:
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